
We are now open to public!

Winter sessions of Meditation Practice will be scheduled on SATURDAYS at 4:00 p.m. weather permitting.

No training session on Buddhist Holiday Weekend (To be announced)


The Benefits of Meditation

The benefits of meditation can be achieved from regular practice of at least twenty minutes in each period per day. After continuously practicing for a few weeks, you will develop these benefits:

  • Your mind will feel calm and peaceful
  • You will gain self-confidence and relieve stress
  • You will get a clear awareness of what is happening
  • Eventually, you will deeply understand the truths of life

The location of the Mind

The natural, pure center of the mind is clean clear and luminous, but it is tarnished by five entrances – eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin. The five entrances transfer emotions of like and dislike to the mind and then the mind wanders from its pure center. In one minute we may think of many things and then a weak mind will quickly wander.

We should control our thoughts by trying to focus on just one thing while meditating. The one thing that is very helpful to think of is a clear, luminous crystal ball. The clear crystal ball is similar to our mind. If we are able to bring the mind back to rest at its center, the mind will be purified and attained. The location of the mind is at the center of the body inside our stomach, two finger widths above the navel.

The Positions of Meditation

There are four postures of medication – sitting, standing, walking, and reclining. All four positions require two things to do at the same time the mantra and visualization.

  • The mantra is a group of words such as “Samma-Araham,” that we have to recite in our mind when we practice.
  • The visualization is the imagination of the image that we use in meditation. In this exercise, we use the clear crystal ball.

The purpose of reciting the mantra and visualizing the crystal ball at the same time is to training the mind not to wander off. When we keep repeating the mantra and visualizing the crystal ball when we practice, the mind will be brought back to its natural location. When the mind comes to rest at its center, it will develop the key to success in controlling the mind focusing in its positive and peaceful thoughts.

How to Meditate

  1. Sit comfortably in the half-lotus position. Sit upright with your back and spine straight, cross-legged with your right leg over the left one. You can sit on a cushion or pillow to make your position more comfortable. Nothing should impede your breathing or circulation. Your hands should rest palms up on your lap, and the tip of your right index finger should touch your left thumb. Feel as if you are one with the ground on which you sit. Feel that you could sit happily for as long as you like.
  2. Gently close your eyes. Relax every part of your body, beginning with the muscles in your face. Then relax neck, shoulders, arms, chest, lover torso, and legs. Make sure there is no sign of tension on your forehead or across your shoulders.
  3. Close your eyes and feel as if you are sitting alone; around you is nothing and no one. Create a feeling of happiness and spaciousness in your mind. Imagine that you are sitting alone in the blue sky without any cloud.